My topic is drunk driving. I chose to write about drunk driving because
I believe that more and more people are dying from drunk driving accidents
every day and we need to be aware of this.
I will make the reader aware of the statistics to open their eyes about
what is going on every single day on the streets that they drive. Most people
do not understand the consequences, especially young teens who think there is
no harm in drunk driving.
I found a
surveillance report in the online Clemson Library that may or may not be
helpful. The document is titled, "Trends in Alcohol- related fatal
crashes. Hopefully this will help with identifying the seriousness of intoxicated
driving. I also found a website called
"Don'". I think this will help me determine statistics
of drunk driving crashes, and deaths of the last couple of years. Finding
statistics is definitely important because they will help me prove my point.
Audiences love to see numbers proving that the point is valid. I also hope to
find big numbers that help attest to my thesis.
Another source I found was a website called, ""Underage Drunk
Driving Fatalities | Century Council." This source looks like it will help me make the audience aware of prevention
of drunk driving as well as underage drinking. Too many accidents that are
alcohol related consist of teenagers who are not even supposed to be consuming
alcohol. There has to be more prevention for these types of fatalities. One more source I plan to use is an actual
police officer. In my opinion, interviewing a state trooper will be very
helpful in making my argument. State troopers see these kinds of cases every single
day. They live through the heartache of young, old, innocent, and guilty dying
in alcohol-related collisions. A state trooper would be one of the most
important people to interview and talk with because of their background and
investment in the topic. I'm sure they see all sides to accidents that occur
because of a driver who has been drinking. He should know all about the
consequences and devastation that people face.
If I have the opportunity I will also interview some college kids to get
their outlook on drunk driving. If I have a state trooper's view and some
college students' views then I think it will give me a more accurate and
persistent stance to take on the subject of drinking and driving.
Driving under the
influence of alcohol is a very broad topic. I feel like this might be a problem
I might run into when writing this research paper. It has many consequences
based on the amount of alcohol consumption and other distinguishing factors.
There are also many different sides one may take on this subject so I might
have a bit of a problem getting my argument across. There are many legalities
that go into the drinking and driving subject as well. I am not sure if I will
be able to cover all of these legalistic issues which may be a problem. Every
drunk driving accident is different so it will be hard to come from one
standing point and judge them all the same.
Annotated Bibliography 5 Sources Due: Wednesday,
Feb. 29
Interview Completed: Monday, Mar. 5
Outline Peer Review: Wednesday, March. 7
Research Completed: Wednesday, Mar. 14
First draft due: Friday, Mar. 16
Revisions: Wednesday, March. 21
Final draft due: Friday, Mar. 30
Savannah, Driving under the influence is a good topic, but you're right, it is also a very broad one. What I've learned is that as you collect your research, you will begin to see patterns or make connections in the information you collect, and that will help you focus in on a few related aspects on a single topic. You cover aspects of drunk driving like accidents/crashes, underage drunk driving, drunk driving fatalities, etc. just in this post- if you focused on any one of these, I think you'd have plenty to talk about. Being aware of the possible issues though is a good thing, and I think you're on the right track; keep collecting research!